DSP-Lite E

The 1-2-in/3-out DSP Solution for LiteMod and DigiMod PFC Series Amplifier Modules



Compatible with both LiteMod and DigiMod PFC Series amp modules, the DSP-Lite E is a 1-2-in/3-out processing board designed to offer powerful programming capabilities and giving designers and end-users fast and easy control in any OEM application.

The DSP-Lite E is a DSP processing board based on the Analog Devices SigmaDSP® platform, designed to control LiteMod and DigiMod PFC Series amplifier modules, creating OEM amplifier systems.

The DSP-Lite is available in 1 in / 3 out and 2 in / 3 out versions.

The DSP-Lite E features a built-in Ethernet port to offer easy access to DSP-Lite’s powerful programming functionalities directly from a PC using the Powersoft ArmoníaPlus software — giving designers and end-users the ability to control and monitor active loudspeakers, plus quick access to parameter settings, preset banks management, and group control. As with all Powersoft DSP solutions, the DSP-Lite E is also fully compatible with the Powersoft Integration Kit platform.

  • 1 input – 3 outputs and 2 inputs – 3 outputs versions available
  • 4 storable presets
  • High performances
  • Intuitive, versatile, and easy-to-use programming
  • Fully supported by ArmoníaPlus
Number of channels 1 in / 3 out – DSPLE003

2 in / 3 out – DSPLE004

Architecture Analog Devices SigmaDSP® 50 MIPS
Internal processing 28-bit data path with 56-bit internal processing
Latency 1.02 ms fixed latency architecture
User data storage Up to 4 local presets, unlimited via ArmoníaPlus
Firmware update via Ethernet
Remote control ArmoníaPlus