

Os edifícios corporativos requerem sistemas de distribuição de áudio confiáveis, pois com frequência são usados para propósitos diferentes junto com sua função normal como aparelhos de PA. Esses sistemas complexos frequentemente se unem para ser estendidos, por isso manter baixos valores de consumo de energia e dissipação de calor é primordial.


As plataformas de amplificação dedicadas à instalação da Powersoft são reconhecidas por seus valores de baixo consumo e baixa dissipação térmica. As versões DSP+D podem adaptar-se a redes preexistentes, permitindo integração uniforme de todas as partes de tais sistemas complexos. O Armonía ajuda a manter o sistema controlado, realizando todas as funções de controle e monitoração de um só lugar descentralizado.

Application Examples

Mezzo Series

System Overview:

This office floorspace comprises of 4 zones; a reception area, office area, pantry, and washroom. For each of the zones, the level can be adjusted for the background music.

Key Features:

  • Full power sharing allows for flexible use of sub-woofer, full-range, and high impendence loudspeakers
  • Direct audio input from smart board
  • Straight forward and cost-efficient source selection using GPI
  • Cost-saving in mounting the audio equipment as part of the lecture stand. No additional rack required.

System Overview:

This compact conferencing application offers full flexibility to connect any Dante or analog input to a very compact and efficient system. Efficiency is combined with price reduction by routing computer audio with HDMI to the projector and extracting the audio feeds from the outputs provided by the project this system. All source selection and volume control is handled by the internal GPI and eliminates the need for additional equipment.

Key Features:

  • 4 Dante and 4 analog inputs on a 2 channel amplifier
  • HDMI de-embedding in projector and to mini-jack of MEZZO
  • Straight forward and cost-efficient source selection using GPI
  • No audible fan noise from convection cooled amplifier

System Overview:

This large conferencing application offers full flexibility and comprises of a low impedance 2.1 system( left/right system with subwoofer) and high impedance ceiling mount loudspeakers. Efficiency is combined with price reduction by routing computer audio with HDMI to the projector and extracting the audio feeds from the outputs provided by the project this system. All source selection and volume control are handled by the internal GPI, eliminating any additional equipment.

Key Features:

  • Full power-sharing allows for flexible use of sub-woofer, full-range, and high impendence loudspeakers
  • 4 Dante and 4 analog inputs on a 2 channel amplifier
  • HDMI de-embedding in projector and to mini-jack of MEZZO
  • Straight forward and cost-efficient source selection using GPI
  • No audible fan noise from convection cooled amplifier

System Overview:

A meeting room application like this small huddle space demands a good sounding audio system without any interference of fan noise of equipment or complicated control services.  The room should be used full time with no additional technical support for all different kinds of meetings while offering full flexibility.

Key Features:

  • Full power-sharing allows for flexible use of sub-woofer, full-range, and high impendence loudspeakers
  • HDMI de-embedding in projector and to mini-jack of MEZZO
  • Straight forward and cost-efficient source selection using GPI
  • No audible fan noise from convection cooled amplifier