Admission Document Disclaimer
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The Admission Document reported in this section of the website (the “Admission Document”) is the Admission Document on Euronext Growth Milan/Alternative Capital Market, multilateral trading facilities organized and managed by Italian Stock Exchange (Borsa Italian S.p.A), by shares (the “Shares”) and warrant (the “Warrant”) of Powersoft S.p.A (the “Company” or “Powersoft”).
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The information contained in this website (or in which other website by which this website by hypertext links) does not constitute an offer or invitation to offer promotional activities in relation to shares against any citizen or person resident in Canada, Australia, Japan or the United States of America or in another Country which such acts not permitted in unlawful absent exemption or authorization specifications by the competent authority. Shares and Warrant are not, neither will be subject of registration in accordance with United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended or pressure some regulatory authorities of any State or other jurisdiction of the United States of America and may not be offered or sold in the in the United States of America, or on behalf or benefit of, a U.S. person, as defined above indicated, in absence of that registration or expressed exemption from this requirement or in other countries where the offer of Shares is subject to limits in the basis of existing legislation.
Per accedere al presente sito web, al Documento di Ammissione e ad ogni altra informazione contenuta nelle seguenti pagine, dichiaro sotto la mia piena responsabilità di essere residente in Italia e di non essere domiciliato né di trovarmi attualmente negli Stati Uniti d’America, in Australia, Giappone, in Canada o negli Altri Paesi e di non essere una “U.S. Person” come definita nella Regulation S dello United States Securities Act del 1933, come successivamente modificato.
To access this website, to the Admission Document and to any other information related in this pages, I declare under my own responsibility to be resident in Italy and not to be domiciliated neither to be now in the United States of America, Australia, Japan, Canada or in other Countries end not to be a “U.S. Person” like defined in Regulation S of the United States Securities Act of 1993, as amended.
Below to the Admission Document (Available only in Italian)